Feist In Ten: The Tracks You Should Know By One Of Canada's Best


Ok team, welcome to our next instalment of In Ten. Periodically we examine the works of an artist we think is noteworthy and select ten songs we think are vital listening. For this round we are doing Feist In 10. Leslie Feist is the undeniable crown jewel of modern indie Canadian music and honestly could run for prime minster and win. She’s been at it for 20 years now with her first album, Monarch, releasing in 1999. It was the 2004 album Let It Die that put her on the map and Feist has been firmly there ever since. Her album The Reminder is one of the land mark contributions to Canadian music over the last 20 years and her material before and after is also pretty darn great. Check out the playlist here, or head over to our Apple Music page and give it a go there. To the Feist fans out there, what tracks should have been on the list that we missed? Let us know in the comments. Keep your eyes on our Beats On Repeat podcast for our next instalment of In Ten coming up in the future.